Tuesday 26 March 2013

New movie series

Okay so i am making a new movie series called 'Katrinity Falls'
It's about a girl called called Katrinity who starts a new school due to moving house because of her mums new job. She meets a girl called Annie and Annie is a really kind girl but when a gang of popular girls invite Katrinity into their gang, Katrinity is letting herself into a lot of trouble and doesn't know what's coming her way.

I have made the first one which is quite short and i would like 10 - 25 views...
There it is. Just to let you know she has not started school yet in this bit.
Please watch it and rate it 5 stars i would really appreciate it! Thanks to everyone who does and this series i promise i will keep up until the end. I think there will be quite a few series to be honest. 
The nicest comment for part one gets to play Annie in part 2 and if your a boy and you leave a nice comment you can play Katrinity's little brother. (:

That way you get fame in return for mine. You get fame for being in peoples movies so i suggest leaving a nice comment and sharing with your friends. I will message you if you are in it<3

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