Tuesday, 9 April 2013

My movie has had 6 views? REALLY? i really want more views i worked hard on it! PLEASE WATCH IT IF YOU HAVENT!

 4.83 please make it 5?

 I removed everything for a new look so wishys please?

Monday, 8 April 2013

Newest Movie ♥Please Read Whole Post♥ Newest Movie

Please Watch My New Movie 'The Hungry Dog *O*' And Rate It 5 Stars<3 The Best Comment Will Get A Wishy. Please Watch It! I Worked Really Hard On It Although It Isn't Amazing! I Really Would Like 100 Views So I Will Put On My Bubble /10 /20 and so on Until I Reach 100 views! For My Diamond Reward I Need 10,000 Views which i will try for Gradually Over Time(:
I Am Really Proud Of This And Spent Lots Of Starcoins on it for Backgrounds and for Food stared in it. Overall i Spent 1125sc
450 - Background
450 - Food
225 - Pizza
The rest of the food (Cereal, Cereal Box and two drinks) i already had!
Thank you SO MUCH! if you read all of this! and i hope you watch, rate and enjoy my movie! 

Thank you and i love you if you do!

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Haven't posted for a while because i have been spending LOTS of time with xx-maddie-xx and mad mol scar my two fab cousins! So anyway hai♥ add my cousins.
Okay so..

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

I Want To Thank This Girl..

The girl in the green and pink for cheering me up and inviting me into her chat xx
Thanks so much<3 x

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


After writing that post i come back to see they have left and gone here
and thats who..

Candired makes the chatroom crazy

So first her and V1per are just talking and stuff doing... Unusual things...

so anyway im just standing there

then candi gets everyone singing and dancing

until this happens and everyones gone weird

Monday, 1 April 2013


add my new account I Be Molly XD
its a back up and i will spend quite a bit of time on there so soz if i don't reply to you on Lilxlover..

Sunday, 31 March 2013


haha sorry..(:

Colourful Emo xD

I just want to give this girl a shout Out!

Were not friends but recently i have been attracted to beautiful looks she has been wearing. They have really drawn me in and has been happening for about 3 weeks! It started of with this look ....

Then this....

and so on. This girls looks are amazing as many other users on MSP but this girl has stood out to me so yeah! I LOVE UR LOOKS!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Just some stuff..

out of

I know its like no where near close but i am getting a few page views and i would like to reach at least 200 page views  before the end of easter holidays so there is lots of time! Or quite a lot anyway but still yeah. I'm not getting many views on my katrinity falls movie so i will focus on that for a while. By the way, My cat just gave me dead rat which is really generous O.O

Wednesday, 27 March 2013



Moddy posted pictures of her cats and now i will post some of my cats and my dog

Miffy is really fluffy and puffy shes alway snooping around new things and loves to be cuddled shes Inkys mum and they do not get on AT ALL.

Casper has LOTS of character he is very lively and is always climbing on things and when he jumps on my lap he goes 'MRAAAAAT' i think thats hello O-O

Charlie loves a cuddle and he loves casper. The two are best friends and are alway together<3 If you cuddle charlie enough he will pose like this ^

Charlie and casper(:

Inky is very cute and very affectionate to me ONLY. he gets scared of everything else and is very small, he isnt a kitten. Him and miffy fight alot and hes always trying to act like casper

Dusty is always trying to get a cuddle. She is eight years old and has several other homes down our street she is very cuddly and will ALWAYS try for a cuddle.

Hey, I'm bored

Hai so like when im bored on msp i make artbooks. But i am busy so i am not making an art book, But a movie, Part 2, 3 and 4 of Katrinity Falls are ready but once i reach my goal i will publish the next one and add another to the waiting list (:

 aha Byee <3

O-O i wanting fame ok.

Hey Hey



My new club

This is my new club. The main pictures okay but i've recently started liking these awesome shoe items and so i don't have that many. So on my picture when you click its not complete but one day(hopefully soon) it will be done (: Here it is...
see only 4 PAIRS! thats like nothing ): I shall get more and add so yeah please join and i will put it on my wrud (What are you doing) to join for those who don't see this! Please tell your friends to join as well because i will do some of the task things if i get 1000 members, That might take a while but trust me, I will, eventually, do it(:


Hey i've decided i am going to delete my club ...
 and make a new club. I would like more than 25 members to be honest. That club didn't go very well and i am fed up of changing it on there to keep the Members so i am STARTING FRESH<3

byee guys x

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

New movie series

Okay so i am making a new movie series called 'Katrinity Falls'
It's about a girl called called Katrinity who starts a new school due to moving house because of her mums new job. She meets a girl called Annie and Annie is a really kind girl but when a gang of popular girls invite Katrinity into their gang, Katrinity is letting herself into a lot of trouble and doesn't know what's coming her way.

I have made the first one which is quite short and i would like 10 - 25 views...
There it is. Just to let you know she has not started school yet in this bit.
Please watch it and rate it 5 stars i would really appreciate it! Thanks to everyone who does and this series i promise i will keep up until the end. I think there will be quite a few series to be honest. 
The nicest comment for part one gets to play Annie in part 2 and if your a boy and you leave a nice comment you can play Katrinity's little brother. (:

That way you get fame in return for mine. You get fame for being in peoples movies so i suggest leaving a nice comment and sharing with your friends. I will message you if you are in it<3

My favourite hair and just another thing

Okay so my favourite msp Hairstyles are....

So what one is YOUR FAVOURITE? because i like them all. Also which ones do you have?

Okay so i was just wondering why they do this i mean like yeah (:
Just wondering like a wonderer okay.

 and this here is my MSP persons lovely face. Not really lovely. Ahaha. |: Jokes?. Omg. I am bored. Actings AWWKKKSKSSSYYY. Omg bye